Saturday, April 29, 2017

It has been named!

It is FML!

Full Moon Lunatic.

There is a double meaning and both fit...  Us and this camper.

Especially since I wanna steampunk or outdoors the inside.

Yes, were strange people.  Don't you love it?  HAHA!

But they say the Full Moon brings out the crazies and everyone thinks were crazy to be moving into this thing (especially when we wanna just go park it for a couple years).

But it works for us.  Everyones happy, happy, happy.

Besides, don't we all love to howl at the moon a little?


Yah, we might honestly be crazy.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Should we name it?

Everyone has names for their rigs.  Clients, bloggers, random people who think the world will be ruled by toasters... 

So I started asking what ours should be.

Josh said:  Billy Bob Thorton.

His reasoning:  Why not?

I love my random nut job...

Me?  I don't know...  Its a Pioneer... Its long...  Not Gamer Friendly (WE NEED DESK!)

Being that its Mutt Hut On Wheels for the blog... I considered calling Mutt or Mutts Hut... 

But I think it needs more then that..


It needs to reflect its owners and our special breed of insanity...

I'll take suggestions.


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Man, I gotta stay off Amazon..

If you've seen my stuff before, you know I'm into coffee and cooking.  Sadly, I have nooo counter space!

So, know what happened?  I go on Amazon and look at "Organizer" stuff for cabinets and "Under Cabinet" items...

I found a damn coffee maker.  Knife holders, spice holders, K cups, ect ect...

Thank goodness I'm a cheapo.  I only bought a few organizer items like a lazy susan and some under shelf shelves.

But we all know I'm drooling over it.  Its a simple drip, not a K cup or anything but its soo tiny.

Sadly, I have 2 massive LED lights, one over the sink and another over the stove so I don't think I even have the room for one!  (Even if I had the 200 to blow on it..)

But, ah, I can dream...  The cabinets above the dinette might work too, hmm..


Saturday, April 8, 2017

This is taking toooo long!

I'm not patient... I highly dislike waiting when I have a plan!

I also hate being forced to change my plans but that's a different ballpark.


We are still packing!  I want the house sold and moved.  :/  Don't get me wrong, i'd miss my grandparents home..  But they are long gone..  I need a change.  I hate this toowwnn! 

But, lets face it, were not ready.  :(  Money is a issue, it isss!

We got someone giving us sway bars (or atleast loaning us some), got several small items like hose and elbow attachment... But need a few things still.

Stabilizers for our Slides
Kitchen Caddy that rolls
Toilet (Just haven't built it..)

I'd love solar panels, a new TV, more storage bins for pantry, and another doggy bed.

Plus were still packing, going through the Estate stuff, waiting on a buyer...

I got to tell you I HIGHLY regret buying this camper so early even though I got a awesome deal on the price.  The last 5 months of paying this loan, my grandfathers debt, Insurance on everything...  I have to work a extra 10 hours to afford it all and food..  We barely spent 250 a month in food!

I bit off waaay more then I can chew, i'll tell yah that.  :/  And I don't even pay all the bills.  But that extra 500 a month to cover our lawn ornament hurts when the plan was to drop about 300 bucks of my pay load when we moved and for someone else to chip in and pay the insurance! 

Word from the one who suffers...  I was originally quoted 50 a year for camper insurance for it to sit... That was for a pre 2000 Camper.  A 2016?  Oh that's 70 a month for STORAGE insurance.  But we were rushed, the buying process had been VERY stressful, and I screwed the pooch since it was my first major purchase (Interest and monthly payment, they aren't doing me any favors and the sells rep had tried to UP the price by removing the 30% off promised by the End of Year Sale!  That extra couple thousand could make a hundred dollar difference in my monthly payment!!)

So don't get rushed and quote the right year... Because after 10 years they aren't worth shit so they insure so much cheaper... You wouldn't think storage insurance would make such a jump, but oh it does... Because its a "Luxury" item.. And they don't want to insure when they know your living in it. 

But if you ARE looking to live in it..  Take your time, this is a big investment but its for your new HOME!  Would you buy a house you hate for a good price rather then wait for one you love that's a few grand more?

Well, I think I've ranted enough for one day.  I do hope to start posting real Camper based post soon, but for now... Its what I got!


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Im thinking green...

So living in the country... Recycling is out but that wasn't what I meant!  I'm talking PLANTS!

Our house hasn't had central heat or air for most of my life and while in Apts with mom, utilities could be iffy so central AC and heat weren't used unless we were DYING.

But we've always had a few plants..  Not the sissy Orchids and other needy plants that cant take a temp drop...  But usually a Aloe plant or two and some Peace Lilies we got from funerals.

FYI, those are some freaking hearty plants...  Aloe is a Cacti little water needed and its use to hot days and FREEZING nights.  So it does great in the humid summer and rainy freezing winters Alabama tends to have...Even though it was butchered 12 times by my mother (I mean all but one leaf removed, this happens almost yearly... We've had the poor plant maybe 14 years).

Peace Lilies... Why are they popular at funerals?  We don't know but they are HARDER TO KILL THEN WEEDS!  And no one ever wants them!  So we end up with them.  We've got 5... In large buckets...  One is older then me, another is almost 15.  They get watered maybe once or twice every few months.  But they are okay!  Why?  They pull water from the air!  Humid climate=Perfect for Lilies!

Did you know that Peace Lilies and Aloe Vera plants are 2 of the top 10 plants to produce air?  And Peace Lilies are one of the top 10 for pulling water from the air?  These are living dehumidifiers!

Whats a issue in small spaces live RVs and campers?  Condensation and probably a need for fresh air when 8 living beings are shoved in it..

So I plan to put one Lily in the bathroom, the Aloe Plant near the sink, and maybe a lily in each sleeping area if theres room to fit the massive planters..

But honestly, I enjoy nature but we have to work and theres times of the year you just CANT be outside...  Allergy season, 100+ F... Below 30 F (Unless theres snow..)  Its just not comfortable to sit outside in that.  Especially when your home isn't a steady 70 degree relief zone.  So having alittle nature inside ROCKS!

Plus the Aloe plant is great for Medical uses and a peace lily is like a dehumidifier that requires no juice! 

So here to the fresher air without going outside!
