Saturday, April 8, 2017

This is taking toooo long!

I'm not patient... I highly dislike waiting when I have a plan!

I also hate being forced to change my plans but that's a different ballpark.


We are still packing!  I want the house sold and moved.  :/  Don't get me wrong, i'd miss my grandparents home..  But they are long gone..  I need a change.  I hate this toowwnn! 

But, lets face it, were not ready.  :(  Money is a issue, it isss!

We got someone giving us sway bars (or atleast loaning us some), got several small items like hose and elbow attachment... But need a few things still.

Stabilizers for our Slides
Kitchen Caddy that rolls
Toilet (Just haven't built it..)

I'd love solar panels, a new TV, more storage bins for pantry, and another doggy bed.

Plus were still packing, going through the Estate stuff, waiting on a buyer...

I got to tell you I HIGHLY regret buying this camper so early even though I got a awesome deal on the price.  The last 5 months of paying this loan, my grandfathers debt, Insurance on everything...  I have to work a extra 10 hours to afford it all and food..  We barely spent 250 a month in food!

I bit off waaay more then I can chew, i'll tell yah that.  :/  And I don't even pay all the bills.  But that extra 500 a month to cover our lawn ornament hurts when the plan was to drop about 300 bucks of my pay load when we moved and for someone else to chip in and pay the insurance! 

Word from the one who suffers...  I was originally quoted 50 a year for camper insurance for it to sit... That was for a pre 2000 Camper.  A 2016?  Oh that's 70 a month for STORAGE insurance.  But we were rushed, the buying process had been VERY stressful, and I screwed the pooch since it was my first major purchase (Interest and monthly payment, they aren't doing me any favors and the sells rep had tried to UP the price by removing the 30% off promised by the End of Year Sale!  That extra couple thousand could make a hundred dollar difference in my monthly payment!!)

So don't get rushed and quote the right year... Because after 10 years they aren't worth shit so they insure so much cheaper... You wouldn't think storage insurance would make such a jump, but oh it does... Because its a "Luxury" item.. And they don't want to insure when they know your living in it. 

But if you ARE looking to live in it..  Take your time, this is a big investment but its for your new HOME!  Would you buy a house you hate for a good price rather then wait for one you love that's a few grand more?

Well, I think I've ranted enough for one day.  I do hope to start posting real Camper based post soon, but for now... Its what I got!


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