Thursday, November 29, 2018

Wait... You want WHAT?!

(Day by Day Recount Sept 29th)

So we hired these individuals recommended by the storage owner who said they'd work for $10 a hour... We called and called till we finally got them... Which was not easy.  They wanted $50 a hour.. Yah no, your unemployment didnt mean you were worth more then the professionals that covered damage to our stuff.  So they wanted $25 (keep in mind they wanted this for EACH PERSON and there was 3 so from $150 a hour down to $75)  Still no.  Two men and a truck was $50 a hour for 2 guys... so we told them $200 in cash 5 hours.  They took it...

Well the day comes and... Guess what detail they didnt mention?  We were suppose to provide a trailer or Uhaul..  Wait, what?  EXCUSE ME?!  You want us to go RENT a Uhaul or trailer when we pay you to move us?  They didnt even have a truck it was sedan!  And they tell us 30 minutes before we meet up with them when mom calls to confirm the meeting "Oh right, bring the uhaul with you" and naturally... She was ticked.. I was ticked.  Josh was ticked...  Dont forget a HUGE detail like that and then drop a bombshell.. just.. UGH!

So we call 2 men in a truck.. Lady one tells us travel is free!  Thats great, because they are a hour a way so it saves us $100.  Call cuts out, call back... Did you know they got commissions off setting orders?  Yah... The new lady refused to honor that free travel because if they charge it she gets a extra $10... and we say we need them for 2 hours and she keeps insisting "No, for a whole house you need them atleast 7 hours with travel!" 

Like really... We told you we only want them 2 hours to move really heavy things just across the road.

THEN she says WERE being angry and unreasonable when we were actually quite calm thinking "Whatever, we just want it done."  Oh yah.. after the last month hell broke loose...

Needless to say.. Mom spent a few hours cussing out people while I looked for possibly options.  Luckily my Dad and uncle came by for their part of the estate and old things that were in attic... Hello free movers!

So my dad and uncle spent 3 days straight helping us move stuff to storage, taking stuff to their place, and what have you... We were doing that till Oct 4th (the day we were leaving) at 5 pm before they bailed...

So we went and got the van and used it to move the last of it and then we loaded all the camper stuff which was half the van (Phew!).. Then cleaning.. More break downs... We all thought we'd grab some dinner on the way... Hah nope, its now 9 pm and were just starting to load the dogs...  Mom looks at me and says "All the dogs can fit!"  and you know what.. it wasnt easy...

But we'll go into that hell next time...!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Is this fate?

First off, happy Cyber Monday may the deals be ever in your favor.. Next

(Day by Day Recount Sept 25th)

Back to the drawing board so to say..  So this older guy comes in and he has NO interest at all... Then the next day we find out he reps a rental company and he wants to inspect under the house...  We say sure and his guy shows up and says its not that bad, confirming the bitch was lying (we figured since she refused to even let us see that report that claimed sewer leaks, 100% rotten beams, and mold...) So we sold it to the rental company!

They were very nice and professional but wanted us out by the Oct 3rd which was barely 5 days.. Aha.. We would have done it but ironically, we had a Dr excuse!  Josh had a Drs appointment on the 3rd and the camper was too far for us to take the dogs and get him there on time so we said we'd be out by the 5th.

So... Let the packing frenzy begin!!

We worked 18 hours a day packing EVERYTHING and getting boxes.  We also got ourselves set to rent a cargo van for moving Camper boxes and the dogs!

We also decided even though we would barely pay off the loan we'd splurge for movers... That was... Yah..

Its a short update I know, but I feel like the moving itself should be saved for its own update because... Yah.

Spoilers:  When I say I didnt eat or sleep more then 3 hours a night for a week, I mean it.  I was running on fumes, I broke 4 toes, threw out my back, had horrible lesions on my heels, and I was breaking down mentally every 4 hours.  It was a horrible experience all around and it was getting worse.


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Turkey DAY!

To our US fans atleast!  Be safe tomorrow you damn hooligans!

Im staying where I am.. Cyber Monday is my jam... and wont land me n jail with murder  charges... though you could kill someone in walmart tomorrow and no one would know in that chaos..

Monday, November 19, 2018

Well.. Thats Illegal

(Day by Day Recount 23th)

So.. Were still waiting to hear back... Its Sunday, just got back from church and were taking the dogs out and some truck pulls up in our front yard.  Were not expecting anyone are we?  Well some Mexican guy gets out and is making a bee line for our backyard...

So the dogs flip out so he slows down and we walk to the gate and naturally and politely ask who he is, dogs barking and growling the whole way.

"Come up front so we can talk." and he walks up, doesnt answer us or anything and no, he clearly knew english so it wasnt like he only knew enough to get a point across.  Moms ticked and locks me and the dogs out back to go talk to him, already pissed that he showed up unannounced and that hes ordering us around.

30 minutes later, im tired of waiting and let the dogs in.  She is arguing with him up front.

Apparently he was on his way through and decided to look at the house even though it was under contract. and he was the guy that never got back with us.

Well a few things slip out.
1.  He was suppose to come look a week ago but never showed up and didnt call
2.  He was the very first flipper that low balled us and then kept trying to f- us even though HE offered the site unseen deal.
3. He KNEW we were under contract so it was ILLEGAL for him to even come look!
4.  He talked to our realtor and she had told him it was okay to come look (this was a balled face lie)
5. AND he was going to go look under the house EVEN if we werent home which was ALSO illegal

So he tried to talk us into letting him look and were like no, thats illegal were under contract, our realtor didnt even say you were coming.  He tries to tell us hes not comfortable buying if we wont let him look, dude its ILLEGAL to let you look and you offered SITE UNSEEN CONTRACTS that he never would sign!  And the fact that he was going to look anyway if we werent home?  oh hell no.

I pushed her out of the way and got in his face.  "We WORK from home, we are ALWAYS home, and if you show up without the realtor we WILL call the cops."

Then we called the realtor.  No, he was told we were under contract and NOT TO COME OVER.  What he did was illegal.  So we told her... it was now 40 grand, site unseen or they could go fuck off because we were SOOOOO pissed!  We were even asking about legal action cuz we were pissed.  He came over demanding, threatening, and admitted to being willing to break into our backyard.

And then he calls her and tries to deny it all and when she calls bull he insist it was a misunderstanding and that I had apparently threatened to shoot him?  Wait what?  I dont even have a gun under my name dude.. (well atleast I didnt then) and I never mentioned shooting him, I said i'd call the damn cops.  Plus he JUST claimed he never went over..

So yah.. More headaches, more irritation... He was pretty much black listed by the whole realty company for that too.

Ugh..  But would the bad news ever end?  Hah.. Not yet.

Next day or so, bitch calls in that bogus offer as a way to screw us or force us out of the contract.  It worked, we ended the contract.

Oyie... But know what?  5s the charm!


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Inspection Day!

(Day by Day Recount Sept 18)

So offer number 4 wants a inspection, it will take 4 hours and she wants us gone so... We and all 6 dogs get loaded painfully into the mustang... no, im kidding we did trips.

First Josh and 3 dogs went with Mom to our nearly purchased storage room that was in town.  The owner was told and was like "Oh yah, clean up after them and dont leave them alone and its all cool!"  So he stayed with River, Hoss, and Prince while she came back for me.

Now we were running late so mom is all in a mood over that shit and im getting frustrated with her...

But the dogs hope right in, Wigs is the first, he REALLY wants to go (he hates rides too!) followed by my Lil.  BB rides in a lap.  I get them in and Josh tells me that the other 3 had a come apart when she elft but were happy to get in the car to come.  When I walked in though they calmed down (Again, abandonment issues... Clearly they thought i'd abandon my husband too..)

And the mom goes back to wait on them to arrive.  So in a empty 10x15 we sit and discover not data works in the room (crap) and just sit watching KungFu Panda on the kindle cuz it was downloaded. (I play it for Hoss when he goes to the vet, he gets car sick on long rides but he does better when he watches his movie.  Seriously, Jack Black, my dog is a huge fan!)

They all lay around watching the tiny screen and pile of me in a room that has AC (because it was still hot and we no have AC at the Hell house!) and my River is snuggled up happy as can be.. Im sure this dog thought that room was our new home and she was like oh yah this is cool!  So shes all snuggles and joy.

So a hour later.. no mom..  I make Josh leave to call... Guess whos running super late and didnt tell us?  Yap.. Them.. We were late but they were 2 hours late.  Then Mom couldnt get away so we sat there for 4 hours before she arrived... And at that point we had to struggle to get just 2 at a time out and in to go bathrooms... It was a ordeal!

But we got them taken care of, gave them water, even got a dollar burger for them to share which they loved.  But then hey.. Been awhile so we try and call.. No answer.. Wait awhile.. Try again... Hey its getting dark, try again...

Almost 7 hours later, we finally got them "Oh yah, we finished hours ago!  We'll call you tomorrow with our choice, we gotta crunch some numbers."

Were steaming but hey, they are still interested... So we load up and go home... Dogs are happy to be back home.

4 days later still nothing...

Almost a week later they come back and low ball us with 13 GRAND!  We started with 60!!  We tried to get her to reasonable, I mean we couldnt sell for less then 20k, we had to pay off the loans and the property itself was worth 40k on its on without the house!

But the nice lady was now a fucking bitch...  Even her realtor was pissed that she did that.  She let it slip that the lady went to a estate sale and was buying the property, house and all for 7k and found it just after our contract started... So she pretty much decided that if she couldnt low ball the F- out of us, we werent worth it, she didnt like the house enough apparently.

So yah..  Between the 4-6 hours a day sitting out with the dogs in the heat and the rain and all the rejection, getting lead on like that...  I was in tears...

Ah, but something else happened before we finally got that answer... Remember Flipper #1?  He makes a illegal appearance while were under contract with Ms Bitch...

Read about that in the next installment!!


Monday, November 12, 2018

Is the Hell? I think its Hell.

(Day by Day Recounts:  Sept 11th)

Oh my sweet lord... How do people do this for a living?  Packing is horrible.  People coming all hours of the day?  Horrible.  Constant rejection after very hopeful interest?  Im having mini heart attacks...

We had 5 serious offers.  The first one came day one.  Buying site unseen for 20k less then our asking.  Naturally we were like "SURE!"  Next day were told the partner isnt comfortable, they wanna see it or go down 5k.  We say fine.  They never get back with us.

We move on, a new flipper.   He loves the place then he goes under the house and tries to tell us a sewer line is down... I send Josh under... Its a old grey water line that hasnt been used since the 80s and we call him on his bull.  Josh even brings up the pipe to show him and says all our sewer pipes are a different color, that pipe clearly hadnt been used in over 40 years.

He ignores us and tells the realtor 10k... She tells him the lot alone is worth 40k and he says 15k...

Words were had on the front porch.

Next came a guy from Florida with his sister.  He was willing and signed a contract saying 4 items left with us; Pantry doors, Wood Burning Stove, Chandler, and our appliances.  He demands we leave the appliances (which are NEVER sold with a house!) and mom says no, those are hers but finally says fine.  THEN he insist we leave the press board pantry doors that would cost $30 to replace...? 

We did we want those pantry doors?  Because I, my uncle, and my dad were all measured on those doors.  Sentimental.  But he wouldnt let up so we offered to replace them.  But nooo.  HAD to be those.  So no deal because seriously..

But his SISTER really wanted the house so we signed with her, she said we could have everything but she wanted a full inspection..!

So yah... Now we have a inspection... I'll tell you how that went next time because that was, haha... a whole fun ordeal!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Day Has Come

(A Day by Day Recount Sept 1)
Our house is officially on the market and were looking to get gone!
We currently have 2-4 appointments each day to see the house and were in a flurry trying to pack it all up, a real challenge when you have 3 house holds of stuff and cant get rid of it because its not yours or its part of a estate so you have to seperate and call family to sort through... Basically:  Grandparents, my Dad and Uncles stuff, and mine and my moms stuff which was minimal since we mostly used my grandparents goods.

So here we are.. Finding boxes as we make piles.

The dogs are hating it.  All of them have abandonment issues and since we've been unemployeed/starting our own businesses from home the dogs have been spoiled by our being there 24/7 and now were leaving twice a day to get free boxes and then packing and sorting..  We started the routine last week while finalizing paperwork and they arent pleased at all.

My River is so ticked I just get the stink eye everytime I walk in the room!

Oh well, they'll see it'll work out!


Monday, November 5, 2018


So starting this week i'll be posting twice a week.  Mondays and Thursday Mornings.  Why?  Cuz we gotta catch up!

Big things are going on, its time to get the hut rolling!