Monday, November 26, 2018

Is this fate?

First off, happy Cyber Monday may the deals be ever in your favor.. Next

(Day by Day Recount Sept 25th)

Back to the drawing board so to say..  So this older guy comes in and he has NO interest at all... Then the next day we find out he reps a rental company and he wants to inspect under the house...  We say sure and his guy shows up and says its not that bad, confirming the bitch was lying (we figured since she refused to even let us see that report that claimed sewer leaks, 100% rotten beams, and mold...) So we sold it to the rental company!

They were very nice and professional but wanted us out by the Oct 3rd which was barely 5 days.. Aha.. We would have done it but ironically, we had a Dr excuse!  Josh had a Drs appointment on the 3rd and the camper was too far for us to take the dogs and get him there on time so we said we'd be out by the 5th.

So... Let the packing frenzy begin!!

We worked 18 hours a day packing EVERYTHING and getting boxes.  We also got ourselves set to rent a cargo van for moving Camper boxes and the dogs!

We also decided even though we would barely pay off the loan we'd splurge for movers... That was... Yah..

Its a short update I know, but I feel like the moving itself should be saved for its own update because... Yah.

Spoilers:  When I say I didnt eat or sleep more then 3 hours a night for a week, I mean it.  I was running on fumes, I broke 4 toes, threw out my back, had horrible lesions on my heels, and I was breaking down mentally every 4 hours.  It was a horrible experience all around and it was getting worse.


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