Monday, November 12, 2018

Is the Hell? I think its Hell.

(Day by Day Recounts:  Sept 11th)

Oh my sweet lord... How do people do this for a living?  Packing is horrible.  People coming all hours of the day?  Horrible.  Constant rejection after very hopeful interest?  Im having mini heart attacks...

We had 5 serious offers.  The first one came day one.  Buying site unseen for 20k less then our asking.  Naturally we were like "SURE!"  Next day were told the partner isnt comfortable, they wanna see it or go down 5k.  We say fine.  They never get back with us.

We move on, a new flipper.   He loves the place then he goes under the house and tries to tell us a sewer line is down... I send Josh under... Its a old grey water line that hasnt been used since the 80s and we call him on his bull.  Josh even brings up the pipe to show him and says all our sewer pipes are a different color, that pipe clearly hadnt been used in over 40 years.

He ignores us and tells the realtor 10k... She tells him the lot alone is worth 40k and he says 15k...

Words were had on the front porch.

Next came a guy from Florida with his sister.  He was willing and signed a contract saying 4 items left with us; Pantry doors, Wood Burning Stove, Chandler, and our appliances.  He demands we leave the appliances (which are NEVER sold with a house!) and mom says no, those are hers but finally says fine.  THEN he insist we leave the press board pantry doors that would cost $30 to replace...? 

We did we want those pantry doors?  Because I, my uncle, and my dad were all measured on those doors.  Sentimental.  But he wouldnt let up so we offered to replace them.  But nooo.  HAD to be those.  So no deal because seriously..

But his SISTER really wanted the house so we signed with her, she said we could have everything but she wanted a full inspection..!

So yah... Now we have a inspection... I'll tell you how that went next time because that was, haha... a whole fun ordeal!

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